More fun working with Microsoft 365 tools and working from home in a positive way? That’s possible. Set up a community with a group of internal heroes and get started. Internal heroes are the pioneers (often started from IT, HR or communication) and fortunately also more often from other layers and different teams.

The internal heroes lead the way and are the innovators. They are there to move the others to walk with them. Maybe you’re an internal hero yourself, or you immediately think of that one internal hero who craves a community, to share, learn and pass.

That’s why in this blog we give four power tips that help you create a successful community.

So a community is build with internal heroes. After all, this group is very passionate about the Microsoft 365 tools that make life easier. And once one single internal hero is enthusiastic, he’ll be able to enthuse at least three other people outside the community. Then the skills stain out across the entire organization. And that’s the goal. But first  things  first..

Step 1: Point an internal hero as a community leader to A community needs a point of contact, someone who not only wants it but that you know can do the same. So that’s the first step. Who wants to be the point of contact? Hands? Make sure this is someone who can build a good bridge between the organization and the IT department. Think of someone of communication or a functional administrator. Someone who knows the lines can later bring improvement opportunities and improvement risks to the attention. The community leader is the driving force and the’pusher’of the group. In the first period, this person will spend a lot of time inspiring and enthusing the heroes. So keep this in mind. It pays itself back twice after that.

Step 2: Make the heroes visible The most frequently asked question about Workspace Heroes is: how do I recognize the internal hero? That’s why we share a profile, and always several colleagues are recognized in it. And once these innovators are found, you’ll get to work. We recommend at least one internal hero per team, but the more souls the more joy! Is everyone gathered? make sure the group is visible to the other colleagues. Of course, internal heroes don’t become heroes until they help someone. So get started. Let them make themselves known in their own group, by creating a special photo in their Office 365 profile. By starting with this, you immediately start sharing knowledge!

Step 3: Develop, support and guide  The heroes lead the way, they are the driving force so ask them what skills they need? But also, what do you think as an organization is important to implement and connect this? How much time and space do they have from their management? Keep these needs on the same page, because fun and enthusiasm are the key to making the community a success. Therefore, it continuously offers various forms of learning and support. Make it a personal and appropriate learning path. No hero is the same. Diversity in knowledge and skills are present in this group and important for the digital innovation in your organization.

Step 4: Take and give (them) time  Patience is a clean thing: each change takes time, on average 28 days. Therefore, cut the changes into small pieces so that it becomes manageable and lingers better. So give the internal heroes time in addition to the day-to-day work. With one hour a week you can get far! Give time and you’ll definitely get something in return.

Bonus tip: First management  We see a lot that our heroes have little time available to get themselves into their roles or perform their roles. Partly for this matter organize a management commitment and let them express the importance. Because about half of the heroes drop out if the management does not sufficiently support the role and the added value remains unclear. From the management commitment, determine how much time the hero needs to acquire his own knowledge on the one hand and on the other hand to support the colleagues or improvement initiatives.

If you have any questions, send an email to: A lot of fun!